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Bloating Specialist

Gastroenterology on Gramercy Park

Gastroenterology located in Lower Manhattan, New York, NY

Feeling bloated from time to time is common and usually nothing to worry about. But if you’re suffering from persistent bloating, it’s time to get help. Expert gastroenterologists Bharat Sanghavi, MD and Moushumi Sanghavi, MD, at Gastroenterology on Gramercy Park in New York City, can pinpoint what’s causing your bloating and provide effective treatment. Call or schedule your consultation online today.

Bloating Q & A

What is bloating?

Bloating is a sensation of fullness that occurs in your abdomen. Despite the name and what bloating feels like, you don’t necessarily have to have large quantities of gas in your intestines to experience bloating.

What are the symptoms of bloating?

Aside from the feeling of fullness, you might experience a few other symptoms, such as increased burping, cramps, and the need to pass gas. In some cases, your abdomen might appear larger or swollen during periods of bloating.

What causes bloating?

The causes of bloating can vary. For some, the cause might be consuming certain foods that the body cannot break down properly, such as dairy for those who are lactose intolerant, or gluten or soy for people with certain food intolerances.

Certain medical conditions can also cause bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome and colitis can lead to bloating, as can gut parasites or an overgrowth of certain bacteria.

How is bloating treated?

Your doctor at Gastroenterology on Gramercy Park will treat your bloating based on the underlying cause. One way your provider might determine the cause is to test if you have an excess of bacteria in the small intestine or SIBO. This simple test can detect the levels of hydrogen and methane gasses in your breath, which are created when bacteria digest food.

The team at Gastroenterology on Gramercy Park have also found great success in prescribing diets low in FODMAP. FODMAP — short for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols — stands for a group of carbohydrates found in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, legumes, and grains. These carbohydrates are difficult for some people to digest and can lead to excess gas.

Medications might also help your bloating, and several over-the-counter treatments can help reduce gas, such as activated charcoal and lactase supplements. And if a medical condition, such as colitis, causes your bloating, your doctor will first treat that condition to see if your bloating improves.

If you’re tired of feeling bloated or want to know what’s causing it, call Gastroenterology on Gramercy Park or schedule your consultation online today.